
How to Build a Website: Part Two

To read about the first part, click here.

The Dare

All good projects probably started with a dare. In the middle of February, I started exploring the cool, little language of OCaml. I wanted to make a video game using raylib, a simple graphics library that Tsoding and Teej have used it in their projects. Surprisingly, learning 3D graphics for the first time is not easy...

Around this time, one of my friends decided to make themselves their own personal website. Unlike me, they actually knew how and what to do. They had this thing that I didn't have called design. Amazing. I told them,

hey, why not make it in Ocaml/reasonml

And so started their very, very short journey into OCaml where they learned how great using opam and nix is. Like any rational person, they decided to not learn how to use opam, nix, OCaml, reasonml, dune, TYXML, etc. for their website and went with a much less thorny path. Unfortunately for me, I'm dumb enough to suffer to see if I can do it. So I did.

I Like Opium

The first iteration of the website you see today started with the Ocaml Opium library. To be honest, it's pretty great. It is super simple, doesn't try to do too much, and I get to opt into anything else I want. Setting up a router was really just

open Opium
let get_name_handler _ = 
    Template.mypage |> 
    Response.of_html |> 
let _ = 
    App.empty |> 
    App.get "/hello/:name" get_name_handler |> 
open Tyxml;
let mycontent =
  <div className="content">
    <h1> "A fabulous title" </h1>
    "This is a fabulous content."
let mytitle = Html.txt("A Fabulous Web Page");
let mypage =
    <head> <title> mytitle </title> </head>
    <body> mycontent </body>

And that's how my first iteration came to be. Pretty simple, pretty readable. The darkside of this though, was, of course, opam, dune, and nix. Getting any of these to work together is never going to be easy out the gate. I opted to use opam-nix, another Tweag classic. Unfortunately, opam-nix rebuilds everything so using it as a shell isn't really practical so (like I did) just make your own quick opam environment.

Now This is How You Make a Blog

A static webpage isn't really exciting enough or exactly modern. I want to at least pretend to future employers that I know what I'm doing. So, time for a little bit of reactivity. How? Everyone's favourite


Htmx is a JS library that lets you make requests through HTML tags instead of writing JS to do anything useful. Htmx is pretty easy and fun to use. Everytime I try to read React code, it just looks like some DSL that overcomplicates things. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe not. I don't do frontend so it doesn't matter.

Awesomely, the htmx website comes with a host of examples solutions to common patterns. The search bar at that top for example, was a initially a straight copy of the htmx example. Getting it to work in TYXML, was another issue. TYXML's jsx preprocessor for reasonml is what I used for my HTML fragments. It's pretty easy to use (besides figuring out dune and opam). I don't try to do anything fancy. Others have gone wild with tetris, for example. Maybe not the best use case but neither is are half the technologies I use in this blog.

The HOT Stack: HTMX Ocaml Turso

My blogs are stored in markdown files. I agree with the philosophy of storing it as plain text. Only issue is plane text is too plain. I still need metadata like a title or short description or the date and so on.

My first feeble attempt was storing it as a markdown comment but parsing and all that jazz made me bored and honestly felt like I could shove another technology into this blog instead. And so, I happened upon this ThePrimeagen tweet and decided to use Turso. Turso is a banger database service with a great free tier. A couple of steps later I had a blogs table and was ready to go. All that's left was actually fetching from the db.

When You Knew You Went to far

Getting blogs to Turso was pretty eh. I parse the markdown with some escaping via bash and then pipe it into the CLI... I am sure I can make a better script but it works for now. The much more exciting part is getting my site to read from the db. There was one, single minor problem.

Turso doesn't have an Ocaml SDK.

In fact, there wasn't even an SDK for SQLite. So what to do? Well, there is a Go SDK...and Ocaml can read C code...and you can compile Go to C...

Writing Go is almost always pretty easy and so was using the Turso SDK. A couple Go functions that connect to the db and read my blogs for me. Only slightly annoying part is that I can't return a custom Go struct since the Go to C compiler only supports primitives, not custom structs. Easily solved by turning it into a C string. I'm sure there are better/faster ways to do all this but if I was going to make the fastest server I would've just used C and emscripten.

How to Climb a Dune

As you may or may not know, Ocaml typically uses Dune for compilation. And so do I. My task now is to

Getting Dune to work, however, sucked. It sucked a lot. Maybe I'm not "one with the docs" but it was hard to understand and took me like a week to piece together enough forum posts to get it to work. In the end, there are two parts I needed to do.

The first thing I had to do was get Dune to compile my Go code. This was easy enough using a Makefile and calling it from dune. I could bind the "C" functions using the Ocaml ctypes library which made it nice and easy. My dune file gives me an .a, .so, and a .h file for linking. I then export the Ocaml bindings as a library for use in my application.

Speaking of the main application, I also have to link the "C library" to it. To be quite honest, I never done linking in C as I just did everything in giant C file for one off tasks so it could all be a mess but it works so who cares. And that's about it.

Piecing it All Together

As I mentioned before, I am using opam-nix. I use this to run my dune project and produce a derivation/binary I can run. To run it, I opted to just throw it in a Docker image (also produce by nix). Luckily, the cloud provider that was I planning to use, Render, supports loading from Docker images. A couple (many) steps later, my GitHub workflow compiles my site and it gets deployed automagically (sadly I had to make the magic). Clearly not an overcomplicated approach at all. I definitely don't recommend this exact stack for your website but I did learn a lot.

Ocaml is maybe not mature enough on the server/client side for a website. I was originally going to use a web client and the Hrana spec for Turso but I just couldn't get it to work. Given enough time, a fully Ocaml (no Go/C) version is possible and probably much easier to configure. To be honest, I don't know what you should do and I don't know if there ever is a should for a personal website. What I do know is that Typescript sucks to use and I rather do all this random, complicated stuff than JS or TS.

All I can say is, do what's fun and what you want to learn. There's always stuff you have to do and code you have to write. Why not branch out and learn a new language, technology, library and so on. You will never be the 10x dev if you stay in your comforts. Your comfort zone is your world of comfort, why settle for a small world.